Corel Painter Licensing FAQs

Yes. Corel offers different license types designed for specific types of users. These license types include:
  • Consumer licenses issued to individuals for individual, personal use
  • Business licenses issued to businesses
  • Government licenses issued to government entities
  • Academic licenses issued to districts, schools, or departments for use on school-owned systems
  • OEM licenses for hardware manufacturers to bundle with their hardware

There are also sub-categories of licenses, such as subscription, higher education, and enterprise-wide.

It’s important to note that there is a specific license designated for your type of use. Failure to purchase and utilize the correct license type may put your organization at risk for compliance issues.

Any business, government, or academic institution that has purchased consumer licensing for use within a wider organization may be at risk. A quick review of deployment and product usage will determine compliance.
Yes. All of our products communicate with Corel servers at point-of-installation and on an ongoing basis through in-product purchase portals and updates. This functionality provides details such as IP address and number of unique hardware installs.
Yes, there are multiple advantages. A few of these advantages include:
  1. A license certificate issued in your organization’s name, detailing product(s), version(s), and quantity.
  2. The software build designed for use within your organization type.
  3. Registration at Corel for inventory purposes and in the event of an audit.
  4. An ad-free, contact-free environment, plus disabled in-product messaging.
  5. The ability to add enterprise options like maintenance, premium support, and training.
  6. Volume discounts, the ability to combine multiple purchases under one pool of licenses, and management of all product under one common serial key.
  7. Additional license rights for imaging, network deployment, and virtualization.
Maintenance can be purchased as part of your business, government or academic license. A current maintenance plan includes:
  • Upgrades to new versions that are released during your term
  • Backwards licensing to allow version flexibility within your environment
  • Transferability of licenses in case of acquisition or divestiture
  • The ability to true-up additional licenses upon every annual renewal
  • Protection against over-usage compliancy issues
A business, government, or academic license comes with a licensing certificate issued by Corel via email. This certificate clearly states the number of licenses that have been issued to your organization and confirms your organization name, address, and a “Corel License Number”. You will also see a list of the products and quantity of products purchased.
If you’ve mistakenly purchased one or more retail consumer licenses (boxed product, electronic software download (ESD), or consumer subscription) you may ask your reseller to confirm which license type you’ve purchased, or you may call Corel to help identify your license assets based on license records and/or serial keys.
You may send an e-mail to You may also reach out to your reseller of choice for guidance, to obtain a quote, or to get further information on licensing issues.